Improving lawns involves correcting the source of problems, not just the symptoms.  Depending on the current condition of a lawn several elements can go into an effective lawn improvement project.

We must stress that mechanical treatments can be really important.  Treatments such as aeration and scarification, topdressing and overseeding are cost-effective ways to really give your lawn a boost without going to the expense and effort of returning or completely reseeding.  Lawns age and become thin over time.  Occasionally injecting new seed into the grass and organic material to improve the soil thickens up the lawn and rejuvenates it.  

Our free lawn health check is the best place to start.  Our analysis of your current soil and lawn will provide the answers on exactly what will be required to give you the healthy, beautiful and green lawn you want.

Spring and autumn are the best times to carry out this work and we will advise depending on your circumstances and preferred timings.

Overseeding involves mechanically spreading grass seed at a specified amount per square m depending on your lawn.  Topdressing usually follows and involves spreading a layer of carefully specified soil/sand/compost mixture over the entire lawns surface.

When GreenHeart Lawn Care carry out a lawn repair or renovation project:

  • the project is never finished until your lawn is properly established and looking great.  We will visit as often as required to ensure you get the results you expect
  • the grass seed cultivars we use are always the very best, are STRI rated and suitable for the conditions in your garden
  • every lawn is different and we always seek the most cost-effective option for you which will give the best result and we only carry out work which is necessary
  • we will always tell you when we believe the right time of year is to do the work
  • we only use the best equipment to ensure the results are good
top dressing

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Additional GreenHeart Lawn Treatments

A mechanical process to remove thatch.

Applying the right nutrients at the right time in the right way

Optional spiking followed by our water save treatment - aptly called WaterWise.

Book your FREE Lawn Health Check & no-obligation quote